Auction Find: Copper Kettles

Saturday is auction day around here, and yesterday we went to one of our favorites in town.  They had a really nice variety of items for sale from several estates.  There  were a few things we bid on but did not  win.  However,  we were able to score these beauties: 

I love how unique they all are.  Each one has a different patina, style, and imperfections that give it character. Even before bidding, we already had a purpose in mind: 

They are now nestled on top of our kitchen cabinets, right under the spotlights, and we think they are perfect.  These  copper kettles are a prime example of why we love going to auctions, you never know what you’ll find and what you’ll go home with. 

What is your favorite auction find? 

2 Comments on “Auction Find: Copper Kettles

  1. Pingback: Auction Anyone? – By The Poole

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