Decking the Halls

How do you deck your halls?

We drive by countless houses and enjoy the bright lights and outside displays; there are even shows dedicated to finding the most elaborate Christmas lights.  But what about the inside?  Personally, I put much more effort into the Christmas decorations inside my house.  As selfish as it may sound, I do this because I want to enjoy my decorations to the fullest and I don’t often spend time standing outside my house.  Also, sometimes we don’t get to share our Christmas decorations with as many friends and family members as we may like, especially if traveling for the Holidays.  I love getting to see the varied decorations of friends & family whenever possible… Real tree or artificial?  White lights or multi-color?  Specific character or theme?  Everyone’s traditions and interpretations are equally unique and festive.

So I am taking this opportunity to share my Christmas decorations and I am inviting you to do the same…How do you deck your halls?

Warmest wishes for a very Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year!

4 Comments on “Decking the Halls

  1. I’m with you and definitely put more effort inside than out, especially now that we have the little one, seeing his face light up with excitement makes it all worth it. Your decorations are very pretty too! Merry Christmas to you!


  2. Your decorations are beautiful! I love decorating my home for Christmas, my favorite part is pulling out all of the hallmark ornaments we have collected over the years and reminisce about the year they were given and the meaning behind them. Merry Christmas!


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